
Showing posts from 2011

Rose- or Blue-Tinted Glasses: How to Stay Optimistic in 2012

Emily had just finished checking her appointments for the next day – it had been a very busy working day at the end of the year. She looked through the window and saw hundreds of starry snowflakes ...

How to Tell the Boss He is Wrong

 It was a nice and quiet evening - just a winter evening that John always enjoyed after a working day. He was sipping red wine and listening to music. Suddenly he recognized a well-known melody of the song “Why Does my Heart Feel so Bad?”

How to Become an Effective Listener?

Ruth was sitting at her desk looking for something in her bag. It was an early Tuesday afternoon – just an ordinary working day. “Oh, I hate this bag. Each time when I want to find aspirin I can never find it. Maybe the bag is too big…,” Ruth mumbled. “Do you have a headache? Can I help you?” Mike asked her empathetically. Ruth nodded: “Thank you. I’ve just had a lunch with a colleague. She was talking non-stop and it made me crazy. Why can’t people listen?”

How to Deal with a Workaholic in the Workplace?

“Actually, I wanted to leave earlier today,” Emily said looking at her watch “it’s 17h30… John is still having a meeting with Ron. If John comes …” She frowned and sighed fixing her eyes on her watch again: “Why should work always come first?”

How to Make the Team Grow Stronger?

It was the second day of a very unusual teambuilding event. Ruth was hurriedly sipping coffee thinking about John’s unexpected idea of delegating authority to the team. She was glad that he was not going to change the team model. However, she knew John well enough and guessed there might be some hidden thoughts or plans.

How to Increase Awareness of Self-Management in the Team?

It was a nice sunny summer’s day. John and his team were on their way to a countryside hotel where they were going to spend two days together. It was the so-called team-building event that they had every year. Each time it was almost the same – some sport activities, workshops, some kind of treasure hunt.

What Makes a Job Ideal?

John came back to the office after a long afternoon meeting and was extremely glad to see all his team members lively discussing something. It was 17h30, the end of the working day, but he had some time for sharing thoughts and hearing feedback for the day. Interestingly, such discussions often helped him to bring the whole team together.

How to Welcome a New Employee

It was 08h30. Sam, Emily, John, and Peter were in the office. It was just an ordinary Monday morning but something was different. John was waiting for Mike, the new employee, that had been hired due to Helen’s courageous engagement. It was Mike’s first working day and John wanted to make it great because he knew that an employee’s first day on the job could be stressful. He looked quickly through the welcome activities plan. “Well, a comfortable working place, computer, Sam will do …, lunch…,” John murmured. Suddenly the door opened and Helen walked into the office: “Good morning, everybody!” She was not alone – a handsome man followed her. It was Mike. Helen introduced him to the team. John was the first who welcomed the new employee. “Hey, welcome,” Peter muttered and thought “he should be a nice coworker.” Emily gave Mike an up-down-over look as if she was going to say “It’s impossible not to like you - such a charming smile and soft voice.” Then she looked at Sam whose face expres

How to Go beyond Age Stereotypes: from Prejudices to Strategies (Part II)

Helen was on her way to Ron’s office. She knew it would be a difficult meeting because he was strongly against the hire of “older” people. Mike, the 55 year old applicant, had made a very good impression on Helen during the job interview and she was glad that John supported her decision to hire him. However, the biggest obstacle was Ron.

How to Go beyond Age Stereotypes: from Prejudices to Strategies (Part I)

Helen was sitting in her office reading job applications. It was 11h30 and she was surprised how quickly time was flying. Helen looked curiously at the next application and started reading it. Suddenly the words “I am 55 years old but I am not without ambitions,” attracted her attention.

How Napping Can Increase Productivity and Creativity (Part II)

Helen entered the conference room where Ron and John were listening to Peter’s presentation on napping. “Sorry, I am late,” Helen said as she took her seat near Ron. Being the HR manager she was glad to use every opportunity to learn more about employees’ concerns.

How Napping Can Increase Productivity and Creativity (Part I)

Peter was sitting at his desk staring at a laptop screen. The noise of the big city was coming through the half open window. He liked his small home office where he could work and relax. But this time he was concerned because John had given him a very challenging task: prepare a presentation on the advantages of napping in the work place.